Mmmm, Hummus

On May 14, 2013 by voneinspired

We love hummus, the kids, me and even the hubs. I used to buy it every once in awhile but couldn’t justify spending that much money on those small containers. Then I remembered that in the 90s I used to make it, you know before you could just buy it everywhere. I worked on a recipe for a while to perfect it - well at least I think it’s awesome.


1 Can Chickpeas (rinsed)

4 Tablespoons Lemon Juice

4 (or more) Cloves of Garlic (crushed)

2 Tablespoons Tahini

2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

1/2 Teaspoon Salt (to taste)


1/4 Cup of Basil (chopped) (optional)

Put everything in a food processor and blend until smooth and re-season to taste.

Serve with veggies, cut pita, tortilla chips or whatever floats your boat.

Another option is to add dill instead of basil (that’s what I made this weekend and then again yesterday - so yummy)

You should really give making hummus a try, it’s easy, it’s inexpensive. It’s an easy last minute snack since you can easily stock all the ingredients. We usually have a few cans of chickpeas around, we have a huge thing of tahini and well everything else is just basic pantry items.
