Camping Gourmet: Campfire Treats

On August 25, 2012 by voneinspired

This past weekend we went on our second, and final, camping trip of the summer. As I said in the last post, we love finding new and yummy things to eat while camping — and I think we’ve mastered a great way to do campfire s’mores. Well, actually 2 ways!

While yummy and fun to make, let’s face it: s’morse can be a pain in the ass. First, there’s the loose chocolate pieces which melt before they’re supposed to, get eaten by my husband before they’re supposed to, or get dropped on the ground. And then there’s the graham crackers, which always seem to break - and there’s nothing more frustrating then a full sleeve of busted graham crackers.

We’ve come up with a great solution to all of these problems, with chocolate topped cookies. President’s Choice (in Canada) has these great cookies called Concerto which have a nice thick piece of chocolate on top of a butter cookie - and they come in both dark chocolate, and milk chocolate varieties. We use just one of these cookies, with a perfectly cooked marshmallow in the middle, and then topped with a graham cracker. This past trip, we experimented again with chocolate dipped Family Digestives cookies. The chocolate on these cookies is thinner, as are the cookies themselves, so you can use two from one s’more. Finally, we also tried substituting the chocolate for a Two-Bite Brownie, on a single graham cracker.

Either of the cookie options is very tasty, and makes the s’more-making process MUCH easier. The brownie option was more complicated for sure, and was definitely tasty - but was a little bit much for one treat. Especially since the kids like making more than one!



On our second night, we tried something new altogether - Banana Boats! You start with a banana, and cut it open along the top with the peel still on. Open the banana, and squish as many mini marshmallows and chocolate chips inside as you can. It doesn’t have to close, and don’t worry about mushing the banana a bit. To cook, wrap with the packed banana’s in foil, and place on the grill of a camp fire. Cook for about 7 mins and then remove. Peel off the tin foil trying to salvage the marshmallows that have stuck to the tin foil and dig in with a spoon. The kids all loved them and so did I.

Do you have any fun campfire treat that your family makes?

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