How to make an Easter wreath

I haven’t really been into wreath other then for Christmas but there are so many cute ideas out there that I’ve been converted. So I decided to make an Easter wreath - isn’t it cute

I started by making the wreath form out of newspaper. I rolled up newpaper to make the basic shape and then wrap more rolls of newspaper around and tape in place until it makes the shape and size you want. I then wrapped masking tape all around so it was a solid colour.
I wanted to cover the wreath in this green grassy/straw stuff I had bought last year from the dollar store. But I didn’t have a lot of it so I thought it would be best to paint the wreath with green paint so it wouldn’t matter if you saw the wreath form under the grass.
I bought a pack of mini plastic Easter eggs at Dollarama and wanted to make them less neon so I applied Mod Podge all over them and then rolled them in and sprinkled on top, clear glitter and let dry.
I then made little flowers from just white construction paper and stuck a cheap dollar store pin in the middle.
Aren’t they pretty?
After the paint dried I cut up the grass and used white glue painted on thick to stick it on the wreath. Doesn’t it look like Oscar the Grouch?
I didn’t put any on the back since I didn’t have much and well it will be against the wall any ways.
Once it was all dry I used a glue gun to add the eggs, grouping them in 3s. Then I just pushed the flower pins into the wreath.
The bow is just a piece of fabric wrapped that I glue gunned into a band to go around to hang and then to form a bow. To hang it on our front door I made a hook from a pipecleaner. Too bad we have a screen door that will block it a bit, oh well, it’s still pretty.
[...] This wreath makes me excited for Easter. I made it last year from newspaper as the wreath form, then wrapped in tape and painted green. I covered in this grass I found from the dollar store and glued it all over. Then decorated with glittered eggs, mini paper flowers and a pretty fabric ribbon. Full instructions here. [...]