How to … make an elastic ball
Supplies needed
- Elastics
Ok – I’m obsessed with my elastic ball. It is so cool. Every weekend when we get the paper I excitedly get the elastic from around it and add it to my ball. I also love the vegetable elastics as they make it so colourful.
It all started about a year ago while I was on leave and watching Martha every morning. They had an episode on organizing your junk drawer . Well I’m no Martha so the only thing I got from the show was to create an elastic ball to keep all the elastic together instead of all over the drawer. The rest of the drawer is still a mess and you can barely open or close it most of the time but the elastics are all in one place.
For awhile I was totally obsessed and every time I saw an elastic I wanted to pick it up but did restrain myself so I didn’t pick them up off the road. Elastics can be icky sometimes. And I’m not so obsessed that I don’t allow these elastics from the ball to be used. And I haven’t yet brought the bag of elastics home from work to add to it – I’ve thought about it but that would be cheating.
So for now it’s newspapers and vegetables that will make my ball grow.
So this is really more a story about my elastic ball then a how to. I think most people know how to make an elastic ball but here are some tips.
It can be tricky to start – I suggest starting with one of those thick broccoli elastics then adding others to it. Other tip is to double (or forth) the skinnier elastics first before putting it on so they don’t just slide off.
Now everyone start your own – let’s see who can make the biggest elastic ball.
Oh yeah – I was talking to my parents about my elastic ball (I told you I’m obsessed) and they suggested that I should take it on trips with me and take photos of it at different places. “Here’s the elastic ball by the empire states building”, “here’s the elastic ball on the beach” – kinda like people who bring gnomes or paper dolls with them. I think it’s a pretty awesome idea but I’m sure Rob would think I’m crazy – well crazier.
LOVED this post! Maybe only because I too am obsessed with elastic balls - although mine (at work) was achieved by cheating, and only features the stupid beige elastics that were before, sitting in a box in my desk drawer. Whatever, it killed 15mins at work one day…
PS - also love the idea of taking the elastic ball on your travels. A friend of mine does that with a Kermit doll she has and really has made for a cool photo collection.
Love it! I’m definitely gonna get started and now i know how!
Thanks, once again, and I’ll keep you posted on my progress.
weird - those 2 above comments were made by me - but for some reason my name didn’t show up…
I was wondering who was the anonymous person - I’m glad you like my elastic ball idea
I stole your elastic ball idea months ago and was waiting for the perfect opportunity to show you how big it’s gotten….although your’s has gotten HUGE since the last time I saw it. Geez…I sound a tad obsessed too!!
hi guys, im tony evans from las vegas, nevadajust wanted to share with you that i have been making my elastic ball now for 8 years, kind of a childhood thing, anyways, i hold the world record and you wouldnt beleive how big it is, im sure there’s over a million rubber bands on it, its the size of me but fatter lol, wanna see?? just click on this link!!
I have one to mine as a diametre of20cm keep adding elastic and good luck
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